Who, What, Wear
Opinions on fashion are mundane and generally irrelevant. Fashion can be dissected and discussed, but that's about it.
Fashion moves at blistering speed, faster than ever, sadly due to our (your) shortening attention spans.There's a window which continuously pans across the fashion abyss, capturing a 'moment' in design for a short while, before rolling to the next. This is where trends find their success and gleeful retailers deepen their pinstripe pockets. Occasionally trends are revisited decades later; after we've (you've) forgotten their appeal. And so, the entire cycle begins again.
Style, mind you, is intimate. It is the way we dress. The method of dressing. Our behavior which trickles into our bodies, into our movement. The way we walk and hold ourselves. Style is exempt from time and relies solely on how you feel, at that moment.
Frankly, style interests me a lot. It occupies my mind everyday and very few things fall above or below that engage me quite as much. Food, maybe.
I'm lucky to quietly observe hundreds of people each week. I travel to and from Oxford Circus, London's retail watering hole, and witness people from all walks of life. I might have an opinion on someone's taste, or shoes, or ridiculous shirt, but never style. Style cannot be good or bad. It's a reflection of yourself . Any judging can be done later, not that anyone should ever care. Old Coco said something similar, didn't she?
Here, I plan to explore.
Basic Approach To Style